This is Flutterwave's status page, where you can get updates on how our systems are doing. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a note here.
We are pleased to inform you that this incident is fully resolved.
Sep 5, 10:30 UTC
Monitoring -
Dear All,
Please note that this issue has been resolved. However, we are monitoring.
Thank you for understanding.
Sep 5, 10:08 UTC
Identified -
Please note that we have identified the root cause and work is ongoing to fix this issue.
We apologize for all inconveniences caused.
Thank you for understanding.
Sep 5, 09:57 UTC
Investigating -
Dear Esteemed Customers, Please be informed that we are currently experiencing errors affecting our API service. Our team is currently investigating the cause of the issue and working diligently to restore normal service. We will provide updates as we make progress and will notify you once the issue has been resolved. We sincerely apologize for any disruption this may have caused . Thank you for understanding.
Sep 5, 09:41 UTC